Online Payment Security and Data Privacy:
Registration will be complete only after making payment via this portal.
Online payment accepts Master and Visa cards.
All online transactions are processed by Stripe, with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protection and support for Verified by Credit Card secure code. Payment details are encrypted under the SSL protocol and transmitted directly to the relevant bank for payment approval and settlement. The Organizer does not collect any credit card information submitted for online payment.
Personal information collected through the system will be used solely for the Island Meeting. No personal data will be disclosed to third parties by the Organizer.
Cancellation Policy
A written request stating your full name and registered email address must be sent to the Congress Secretariat via email to cancel your registration.
Cancellations received in writing by the Congress Secretariat before September 5th will be accepted, and registration fees will be fully refunded
(except bank processing charges).
For cancellations received from September 5th to September 10th, an administrative fee of Rs. will be deducted from your registration fee. Refunds will be
processed only after the Congress.
No refunds will be given for cancellations made after September 10th or for non-attendance at the Congress.
Important Notes
Please note that submitting false information for registration may result in cancellation by the College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka, with refunds processed according to the refund policy.